Organic Weetabix Crispy Flakes Cereal 12 Oz Box

A cereal as unique as you are™. Celebrate your uniqueness by choosing weetabix® cereals - england's favorites. Let everyone else settle for an uninspiring breakfast, while you enjoy the unique, tasty, heart healthy organic crunch of weetabix crispy flakes. Declare your independence from the same old boring cereals with the delicious toasted wheat flavor of weetabix crispy flakes. Naturally high in fiber, easy on calories and only 4g of sugar per serving, you can feel good about digging into a cereal that delivers nutrition and great taste. In addition to the hearty crunch of weetabix® crispy flakes, we also offer delicious weetabix biscuits that make portion control a breeze or weetabix crispy flakes & fiber, made from the same tasty organic Ingredients with 11g of fiber.
A healthy start to your day. Weetabix cereals provide pure heart healthy nutrition. Experts agree that a diet rich in fruits, vegetables and whole grains, and low in fat, saturated fat and cholesterol, may reduce your heart disease risk. Weetabix organic whole grain cereals are an excellent part of a heart healthy diet. Start your day the healthy way.
Enjoy the benefits or organic Ingredients. We choose only the finest organic Ingredients for the same reasons you do - to ensure the highest quality and best taste, reduce toxins in the soil and respect our natural environment. Whether biscuits or flakes, organic weetabix cereals never contain artificial preservatives, colors, flavors, trans fats or GMO'S.
4G fiber, 3g protein & 0.5g fat
Heart healthy
USDA organic
22G whole grain per serving